

Hai , assalamualaikum !
i want to share something important to animals lovers . i kinda boring anyway , so enjoy !

Giving a cat pill isn't the easiest thing to do , but there's definitly a technique for delivering the medication . There are also a few alternative delivery methods you can try it dealing with all those teeth and claws feels just a bit too intimidating .

Giving Your Cat a Pill

Read these directions a couple times before you attempt to give your cat her medication . That way you can just focus on her when you give her the pill.

1. Place the cat on a solid surface , like a counter or tabletop , with a nonslip area rug beneath her . She'll feel more secure if she has solid footing , and she may struggle less . 

2. Have your helper hold her in place so she can't back up or dart away . The key is not to hold the cat too tightly because that alone may make her feel need to escape .

3. Hold the pill in your fingers on one hand , and use your other hand to pull up top jaw . 

4. Almost simultaneously , pull down on the lower jaw and pop the pill into the back of the cat's throat as far back as you can place it .

5. Quickly close the cat's mouth , but keep one hand under her chin in case she spits the pill back out . With your other hand , stroke her throat gently to encourage her to swallow . Alternatively , you can try blowing gently at her nostrils , and this may also persuade her to swallow .

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